In cryptography,
a public key infrastructure (PKI) is an arrangement that binds public keys
with respective user identities by means of a certificate authority (CA). The user
identity must be unique for each CA. The binding is established through the
registration and issuance process, which, depending on the level of assurance
the binding has, may be carried out by software at a CA, or under human
supervision. The PKI role that assures this binding is called the Registration
Authority (RA) . For each user, the user identity, the public key, their
binding, validity conditions and other attributes are made unforgeable in public key certificates issued by the CA.
The term trusted third party (TTP) may also be
used for certificate authority (CA). The term
PKI is sometimes erroneously used to denote public key algorithms which, however, do
not require the use of a CA.
Purpose and functions
PKI arrangements
enable computer users without prior contact to be authenticated
to each other, and to use the public key information in their public key certificates to encrypt messages
to each other. In general, a PKI consists of client software, server
software, hardware (e.g., smart cards), legal contracts and assurances, and
operational procedures. A signer's public key certificate may also be used by a
third-party to verify the digital
signature of a message, which was made using the signer's private key.
In general, a PKI enables the parties in a dialogue to establish confidentiality,
message integrity and user authentication
without having to exchange any secret information in advance, or even any prior
contact. The validity of a PKI between the communicating parties is, however,
limited by practical problems such as uncertain certificate revocation, CA
conditions for certificate issuance and reliance, variability of regulations
and evidentiary laws by jurisdiction, and trust. These problems, which are significant for the initial
contact, tend to be less important as the communication progresses in time
(including the use of other communication channels) and the parties have
opportunities to develop trust on their identities and keys
Typical use
enterprise-scale PKI systems rely on certificate chains to establish a party's
identity, as a certificate may have been issued by a certificate authority
computer whose 'legitimacy' is established for such purposes by a certificate
issued by a higher-level certificate authority, and so on. This produces a
certificate hierarchy composed of, at a minimum, several computers, often more
than one organization, and often assorted interoperating software
packages from several sources. Standards
are critical to PKI operation, and public standards are critical to PKIs
intended for extensive operation. Much of the standardization in this area is
done by the IETF PKIX working group.
Enterprise PKI
systems are often closely tied to an enterprise's directory scheme, in which each employee's
public key is often stored (embedded in a certificate), together with other
personal details (phone number, email address, location, department, ...).
PKI software
When deploying a
PKI, the most important part is an appropriate CA software. There are several
solutions on the market:
Microsoft: Windows 2000 Server and Server 2003 both contain CA software,
which is integrated into the Active
Directory and doesn't require additional license fees. This is currently
the most popular solution on the market.
OpenTrust: Offers a product called OpenTrust-PKI.
CoSign - A built-in CA, leveraging existing user
directory management systems (e.g. Active
Directory, Novell eDirectory and LDAP). The solution
automatically generates digital certificates for users on the user directory,
eliminating the common overhead found with other traditional PKI solutions.
Linux: Linux supports OpenSSL and OpenCA, which are
two open
source CA solutions. It also supports EJBCA.
NEWPKI: Free software which generates and controls
users' public keys.
Novell: Offers the Novell Certificate Server,
which is integrated into the eDirectory. Alternatively, the eDirectory add-on
product cv act PKIntegrated (provided by a third party vendor at
additional costs) can be used.
GlobalSign: Offers TrustedRoot" a PKI CA
Rootstore chaining program (Root Sign) which allows you to get immediate trust
for your SSL, S/MIME and code signing certificates by chaining your Microsoft
CA or Inhouse CA Root Certificate to the pre-trusted GlobalSign root
Entrust: The product Entrust Authority is
the most popular among the not-for-free CA solutions. Entrust offers
PKI software and a managed service options mainly in the .gov space.
CyberTrust: Offers a product calledTrustedCA.
Security: Offers a
product called Keon.
Cryptomathic: Offers a product called CCA.
openWebPKI: open source PKI Web GUI project.
Red Hat
Certificate System: Formerly
the Netscape Certificate Server.
ChosenSecurity: Offers a managed PKI for the enterprise
using TC TrustCenter technology.
IdenTrust: Offers a managed PKI for the banking community.
Operational Research Consultants, Inc.: Offers
Federally compliant managed PKI services for Government-to-Government,
Business-to-Government, and Citizen-to-Government trusted transactions.
PKIs of one type
or another, and from any of several vendors, have many uses, including
providing public keys and bindings to user identities which are used for:
and/or sender authentication of e-mail messages
(e.g., using OpenPGP
or S/MIME).
Encryption and/or authentication of
documents (e.g., the XML Signature [1] or XML
Encryption [2] standards if documents are
encoded as XML).
of users to applications (e.g., smart card
logon, client authentication with SSL).
secure communication protocols, such as Internet key exchange (IKE) and SSL. In both of these, initial set-up of a
secure channel (a "security association") uses asymmetric
key (a.k.a. public key) methods, whereas actual communication uses faster secret key
(a.k.a. symmetric key) methods.
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